About us
Cultivating is at our essence
Sustainability as a basis for agribusiness
Juparanã is a family-owned company founded in 2001 by Mr. José Carminati. Initially, the company's focus was on the production of grains, sales of inputs, and provision of services to farmers. Over time, Juparanã grew, always investing in people, technology, and innovation to integrate the entire production chain. Today we are present in the states of Pará and Maranhão with 5 business units totally dedicated to production, technology, and support to rural producers.

Production Units
Juparanã always works to integrate the entire production process, in addition to constantly focusing on helping rural producers with sustainability. Projects and research are conducted with social and human responsibility. This is only possible by segmenting the production units, which have specific objectives to always obtain a satisfactory result.

Standard Unit
It consists of four storage units, with a total capacity of 288,000 tons of grain.

Partner Unit
It markets inputs and provides technical assistance to rural producers. A team divided with a focus on agriculture.

Cultivar Unit
It is responsible for the production of soybean grains and seeds, containing five production units.

Cultivar Sementes
Soybean seeds production chain of Cultivar Sementes, the seeds brand of Juparanã.

Support Unit
The teams responsible for supporting the other business units are concentrated here.

Our purpose is to act in the development of agribusiness by producing food, selling products, and integrated services.
We have a great dream. We want to be strategic in integrated solutions for sustainable agribusiness.
We conduct actions and decisions with honesty, transparency, and fairness.
Appreciation For Partners
We invest heavily in relationships, as we like to establish lasting, frank, and respectful ties with customers, suppliers, and employees.
Professional Management
Mission given; mission accomplished! We value the work well done, which combines quality and agility. To achieve this, we cultivate a team enthusiastic about doing, participative management, and an entrepreneurship environment.
We create new opportunities and implement innovative technologies in business models, products, and services, to generate wealth for our region.
Sociambiental Commitment
We dedicate efforts to improvements and respect for legislation.
Dissemination of Knowledge and Technologies

Fronteira Kids
In parallel with Fronteira Cultivar, we offer a field day to the producers’ children. With the aim of providing ludic and recreational activities, illustrating their parents' activity and the importance of agriculture for the world.

Fronteira Cultivar
A major event focused on the performance of soybean and corn products and cultivars in the region. Fronteira Cultivar has two days of experience in the field and dissemination of knowledge through lectures, cases, and research.

Fronteira Estudantes
As it is the second day of the event, Fronteira Estudantes provides the student community (students from elementary school 2 to technical and higher levels) with a full day of knowledge about local and global agribusiness.